Aspire | Crew Mobile - Clocking in without a Crew Leader

This feature allows crew members to clock in from their own devices without requiring the presence of a crew leader.

Setting Up Clocking in Without a Crew Leader

To enable this setting, you need to navigate to the Administration menu in the Aspire Desktop Application. If you want to enable it at the system level, select the edit icon in the top right-hand corner and go to the Time Reporting tab. At the bottom, you will find a new setting titled "Allow Crewmember Mobile Clock in Without Crew Leader" which can be enabled at the system level.

If you only want to enable this setting at the branch level, uncheck it at the system level. Go back to Time Reporting, uncheck the box, and select save. Then, under Organization, select Edit Branches, choose the branch, and navigate to Time Reporting. Here, you will find the setting "Allow Crewmember Mobile Clock in Without Crew Leader" which can be enabled at the branch level.

Steps for Crew Members to Clock in Without a Crew Leader

Once the setting has been enabled, each crew member wishing to clock in from their own device needs to do two things:

  1. Download the Aspire Mobile App.
  2. Authenticate their device.

The authentication step is virtually the same as what exists today. An Aspire user needs to enter their email, password, and company code to connect their device to the appropriate Aspire system. Once the initial login is complete, the device has been successfully tied to the correct company and Aspire.

Crew Member Clocking in Process

After the device has been authenticated, the crew member can log into Aspire using their PIN. They will need to select their crew leader for the day, as this is how their time will be tied to the appropriate route in Aspire. The crew member's selection of the crew leader is not final and can be changed on a confirmation screen.

Once logged in, the crew member can clock in for the day. However, since they are not clocking in from a crew leader's device, they need to select their crew leader for the day. This ensures that the information flows correctly to time entry.

Crew Leader's Actions

When the crew leader logs in on their device, they will see the crew member who selected them as their crew leader. They can perform the same actions as if the crew member had clocked in on their device. The crew leader can clock the crew member out and in directly from their screen.

Additionally, the crew leader can start and stop work for the crew member on specific jobs. This functionality allows the crew leader to manage the crew member's work even if they clocked in from their own device.

Crew Mobile: Clocking in without a Crew Leader